Saturday 13 May 2023

Day 8 Belfast Divided and United

The Shankill and Falls roads remain separated by the peace wall. Interconnecting streets have their gates closed at night
The peace wall is covered in murals and personal messages, you could be in Berlin in the 60s. Where the paint is peeling is evidence of petrol bombs. The murals leave you in no doubt as to which side of the divide you are on.
if you ever wondered about the difference between a rubber bullet and a baton round....
This area is fortunately quite small and although still a tinderbox, doesn't reflect the rest of this city, nor those under the age of 30.
A very sunny afternoon, so a little spin out to Comber near Strangford Lough 

Total journey 256.76 miles
The end.

Friday 12 May 2023

Day 7 to Belfast

And then it was all over too suddenly. We continued the coast road through Larne. Stopping briefly for me to inexplicably fall off, right in front of a crowd of motorcyclists and hearse forming up a cortege, all very embarrassing. 
Then on through Carrickfergus with it's  castle.
Picking up a dedicated cycle trail all along the waterside into Belfast and our hotel for the night.
What a surprising city Belfast is. From the Victorian Bars, to the hipster Cathedral Quarter. We enjoyed cocktails in the Europa, bombed 33 times, making it the most bombed hotel in the world 
Looked inside the National Trust Pub
Ate in the Common Market. 
People watched in the sunshine.
32 Miles coveted.

Thursday 11 May 2023

Day 6 Coast Road to Ballygally

This is the day that I was looking forward to most,  the highlight of the tour. We knew the morning would begin with severe ascents and there was rain forecast. As we neared the top of the Torr Head road we went into the clouds, and the road closed signs we had been ignoring, because cycles can always get through, became more frequent. Eventually  we were hailed by a single motorist who said the road had fallen into the sea and we should turn back.
We did, and we started climbing again. Past the vanishing lake
Eventually a steep descent into Cushendun a very pretty NT village but the tea shops were closed and with no breakfast, it was onto Cushndall for a very late full Ulster Fry
Now the sun is making an appearance and the next 20 miles along the coast road was everything I wanted. Even views of Arran aswell as the Mull of Kintyre. Lots of motorbikes headed North but not troubling us as we made our way along the flat coast road which clings to the waters edge. Thankfully the wind with us and sea flat calm.

44 miles covered.
Tomorrow will be our last cycle touring day. These trips are always over so swiftly.

Wednesday 10 May 2023

Day 5 to Ballycastle

An extra layer of warmth on today, as squalls rolled in from the sea. 
Visited the Carrick a Rede rope bridge today. Built by salmon fishermen to reach a little island, 60m above the water. 
Great views today of Rathlin Island and beyond to the Mull of Kintyre between the rains.
Hot soup and tea at the NT café were just the job before Alison inexplicably fell off her bike whilst stationary. 
One big climb, then into Ballycastle and a brand new property with key left for us in the letter box.
Just 17 miles today.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Day 4 Giant's Causeway and Bushmills

A town that's seen better days, now dependant on the two big tourist attractions. The Bushmills Inn has a real Irish atmosphere and is lit by gas lamps, with little snugs that smell of peat fires. The river bush was in torrent after thunderstorms which we managed to just miss.
Cycle trail follows the world's first hydro electric tramway, open in the Summer, for 5 miles to the causeway
The causeway hosts 600,000 visitors a year, getting there early was a good plan.
And then we lost the plot at the Bushmills Distillery 
no miles to report. Many customers were driving and as we were walking we helped finish their samples. Alison now reports feeling sick. 
Lovely gesture as we walked back after dinner. A passer by asked where we were going and offered to share his umbrella 🌂 with us

Monday 8 May 2023

Day 3 to Bushmills via Portstewart

Continuing the Lowen Bann cycle way today. Parallel to the river, though miles of rich farmland. Dairy, sheep, donkeys and horses reaching Coleraine for a brew of tea. Wondering if and why this river which flows from Lough Neigh to the sea is so little used by pleasure craft?
After Coleraine the roads became much busier with holiday traffic and preparations for the NW 200 motorcycle race. It seems we were super lucky to get through today as the roads will be closed from tomorrow for racing.Both Portstewart and Portrush have tiny harbours and lovely sandy beaches, but now massively expanded with posh seaside homes.
 Just beyond, we climbed a steep hill and there on the horizon we could see Islay in Scotland 
End of day at Bushmills after 38 miles

Sunday 7 May 2023

Day 2 to Portglenone

Sorry to leave the crazy friendly Green Monkey Lodge, the very definition of a good craic. 
Made our way around the head of the Lough and met keen gravel cyclist Roy, who showed us a brilliant route through the grounds of the agricultural college into Antrim. He was test riding a £6K gasgas bike.
What a nice place Antrim is by the river and in the grounds of Antrim Castle where the smell of wild garlic was intoxicating. 
on through Randalstown and the coast road to Toome. Great views of the Sperrin mountains before turning north to Portglenone. Clearly once a much bigger port, now just some pleasure boats. B&B is opposite a Cistercian Monastery 
Splendid dinner and first Gunness at the Wild Duck.
37 miles covered

Day 8 Belfast Divided and United

The Shankill and Falls roads remain separated by the peace wall. Interconnecting streets have their gates closed at night The pe...